Israel’s Birthday Celebration – And the “Eat” Goes On!

Let’s celebrate Israel’s birthday by cooking up some scrumptious Israeli dishes and enjoy a delicious culinary connection with Israel! I’ve chosen a few of my favorite dishes from my own personal recipe collection and some of the cookbooks I’ve written. I’ve also included favorites that were shared by some of my “foodie-friends” both in North America and Israel. I hope these recipes become favorites of yours as well!
Bonnie Stern of Toronto is one of Canada’s most popular and beloved food personalities. She has a cooking school in Toronto, is a food columnist, a well-known TV personality and is also the author of twelve bestselling cookbooks, including her latest culinary success, Friday Night Dinners (Random House Canada).

Bonnie was raised in an Ashkenazi Jewish household, so when she went to Israel for the first time, she was surprised to see a menu for Friday night dinner that featured carrot cumin soup followed by chicken with dried fruit and couscous, instead of chicken soup with matzah balls followed by brisket and mashed potatoes.

Stern says: “I really fell hard for those Middle Eastern Sephardic flavors and now Rabbi Elyse Goldstein and I lead culinary tours to Israel to show people how delicious Israeli food can be.”

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